The outer skins of fruits and vegetables are filled with flavour and vitamins
ارسال شده در پنج شنبه 19 اسفند 1400برچسب:Food Machine Manufacturers, - 4:8

To tackle food waste, we need to consume the whole vegetable. .Chef Anand Kumar“In bars, fresh ingredients are used to make concoctions as this makes for better finished drinks. “Honestly, it will not take much additional time from your usual kitchen routine. Either people are not aware of this or they are too busy to spend extra time in their kitchen,” mentions Arina. And chefs should find ways to add this in their menu. That’s it,” says Arina, adding, “Though it makes a difference, at home the food quantity is very small.Where are chefs looking for inspiration? inside the waste! Root-to-stem or trash cooking is the new trend that aims to tackle food wastage and introduce a new creative spark for gastronomy experts. “It is sad to see how much food is wasted. Don’t throw away any leaves, greens and stalks. “Unless it is not really good for health, nothing should be wasted. This results in much wastage. And I believe that all parts are edible and good for health. “Innovative or centralised menus (if more than one food serving outlets), an award programme for wastage control measures, small bin day where the working section will have small bin to throw wastage.”An effective way to spread awareness is by restaurants and chefs coo “The outer skins of fruits and vegetables are filled with flavour and vitamins. “We can go back to our roots (literally) and begin making the fabulous Andhra cucumber pickle in which the peels are left on, the watermelon rind chutney, or the ash gourd chutney… all ingenious ways to use it, I say! And delicious to boot!” says Kavita. There was a generation that used everything that was edible in their cooking.”While there are various names for this concept, the one Chef Ajit Bangera of ITC Chennai dismisses is ‘trash cooking’. Mumbai-based chef and mixologist Arina Suchde recommends this concept in today’s scenario. “Most people don’t think about what goes into waste. They made sure that nothing went waste. Maximum fibre and antioxidants are packed in these discarded parts.Educating consumersSupporters of root-to-shoot cooking say that educating producers and consumers about nutritional properties and cooking techniques is vital.According to artisan baker and Master Chef Season 5 finalist, Shipra Chenji, a vegetable should be treated as a whole entity. These days, due to their busy lives, people don’t care much about what is going to waste,” Arina says. “Not only in restaurants, at homes too one should be careful about what is thrown away.”Many shy away from the process as they think it is time-consuming.

They are a rich source of dietary fibre, also known as NSP (non-soluble polysaccharides) like hemi-cellulose, pectin and more. Whom to criticise here?” Arina asks. We can be a little more conscious and get back to our roots. Also, keep in mind — the smaller menu is but the best. And it is not a big task either. Chef Ajit believes that wasting food is a crime.Thanks to all the peeling and scraping, we end up using less than half of most vegetables and fruits we buy to eat and cook. Plus, they are universally low in calories, sugar, and fats; and free from cholesterol, and add satiety and help cut down overall food intake (read help in weight control),” says Kavita.“Only few people are bothered about their health and the environmental aspect. This results in huge wastage as bartenders usually extract the pulp or desired flavours from the fruits or vegetables and the rest is usually discarded,” says mixologist Himanshu Desai. “I grew up in a household where a separate ghiya o.”Kavita DevganAnand suggests ways through which hotels can control food wastage. But later, due to busy lifestyles and misconceptions about nutrition, people forgot the importance of using all parts of the produce. Consumers usually forget the fact that the peels and leaves we throw away are loaded with nutrients.Uncooked food forms a large proportion of waste generated across the globe, Food Machine Manufacturers contributing to a growing environmental crisis.In hotels, the aesthetic appeal of food presentation is considered very vital. “I don’t understand why they call it trash cooking. You can also have a brief write-up about the wastage control in preparing a particular dish.In India, new-age restaurants as well as established ones are slowly warming up to the idea, with a stringent eye on reducing food waste. But let’s just focus on three aspects — less awareness, mindless and fancy cooking. According to the UNDP, around 40 per cent of waste generated in India is food waste.Getting startedThe beginner should be trained properly on how to process and cut fruits and vegetables, and continue the trend until it becomes a part of their routine.“The thick peels, roots, stems and seeds that we trash are loaded with nutrients that are very hard to find. But in hotels, if they can incorporate this concept, it will definitely make a difference. There should be a deliberate effort to lessen the food garbage,” Shipra says.Nutritional gainsRoot-to-shoot cooking is a brilliant way of ensuring macro and micronutrients in your diet

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